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3 months ago
This example demonstrates how to use OpenCorr with GPU acceleratd ICGN
algorithms (with the 1st or the 2nd order shape function) to make a path
independent DIC method. The initial guess at each POI is estimated using the
SIFT feature guided method.
#include <fstream>
#include "opencorr.h"
#include "opencorr_gpu.h"
using namespace opencorr;
using namespace opencorr_gpu;
using namespace std;
int main()
//set files to process
string ref_image_path = "d:/dic_tests/2d_dic/oht_cfrp_0.bmp"; //replace it with the path on your computer
string tar_image_path = "d:/dic_tests/2d_dic/oht_cfrp_4.bmp"; //replace it with the path on your computer
Image2D ref_img(ref_image_path);
Image2D tar_img(tar_image_path);
//initialize papameters for timing
double timer_tic, timer_toc, consumed_time;
vector<double> computation_time;
//get the time of start
timer_tic = omp_get_wtime();
//create instances to read and write csv files
string file_path;
string delimiter = ",";
ofstream csv_out; //instance for output calculation time
IO2D in_out; //instance for input and output DIC data
//set OpenMP parameters
int cpu_thread_number = omp_get_num_procs() - 1;
//set DIC parameters
int subset_radius_x = 16;
int subset_radius_y = 16;
int max_iteration = 10;
float max_deformation_norm = 0.001f;
//create instances of SIFT and FeatureAffine for initial guess estimation
SIFT2D* sift = new SIFT2D();
sift->setImages(ref_img, tar_img);
FeatureAffine2D* feature_affine = new FeatureAffine2D(subset_radius_x, subset_radius_y, cpu_thread_number);
feature_affine->setImages(ref_img, tar_img);
//set POIs
Point2D upper_left_point(30, 30);
vector<POI2D> poi_queue;
int poi_number_x = 100;
int poi_number_y = 300;
int grid_space = 2;
//store POIs in a queue
for (int i = 0; i < poi_number_y; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < poi_number_x; j++)
Point2D offset(j * grid_space, i * grid_space);
Point2D current_point = upper_left_point + offset;
POI2D current_poi(current_point);
//get the time of end
timer_toc = omp_get_wtime();
consumed_time = timer_toc - timer_tic;
computation_time.push_back(consumed_time); //0
//display the time of initialization on screen
cout << "Initialization with " << poi_queue.size() << " POIs takes " << consumed_time << " sec, " << cpu_thread_number << " CPU threads launched." << std::endl;
//get the time of start
timer_tic = omp_get_wtime();
//Extraction and matching of features
//FeatureAffine instance estimates the deformation at POIs according the neighbor features
feature_affine->setKeypointPair(sift->ref_matched_kp, sift->tar_matched_kp);
//get the time of end
timer_toc = omp_get_wtime();
consumed_time = timer_toc - timer_tic;
computation_time.push_back(consumed_time); //1
//display the time of processing on screen
cout << "SIFT feature guided deformation estimation takes " << consumed_time << " sec." << std::endl;
//get the time of start
timer_tic = omp_get_wtime();
//initialize the reference image and target image for GPU accelerated processing
ICGNImage gpu_ref_img;
gpu_ref_img.w = ref_img.width;
gpu_ref_img.h = ref_img.height;
gpu_ref_img.data = new float[ref_img.width * ref_img.height];
ICGNImage gpu_tar_img;
gpu_tar_img.w = tar_img.width;
gpu_tar_img.h = tar_img.height;
gpu_tar_img.data = new float[ref_img.width * ref_img.height];
//fill the graysclae into the 1D arrays
for (int r = 0; r < ref_img.height; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < ref_img.width; c++)
gpu_ref_img.data[r * ref_img.width + c] = (float)ref_img.eg_mat(r, c);
gpu_tar_img.data[r * tar_img.width + c] = (float)tar_img.eg_mat(r, c);
//initialize a POI queue for GPU accelerated ICGN
vector<ICGNPOI> gpu_POI_queue;
for (vector<POI2D>::iterator iter = poi_queue.begin(); iter != poi_queue.end(); iter++)
ICGNPOI gpu_POI(iter->x, iter->y);
gpu_POI.initial.u = iter->deformation.u;
gpu_POI.initial.ux = iter->deformation.ux;
gpu_POI.initial.uy = iter->deformation.uy;
gpu_POI.initial.v = iter->deformation.v;
gpu_POI.initial.vx = iter->deformation.vx;
gpu_POI.initial.vy = iter->deformation.vy;
//Save the initial guess
iter->result.u0 = iter->deformation.u;
iter->result.v0 = iter->deformation.v;
//choose the order of shape function
int shape_order = 2; // 1 for the 1st order, 2 for the 2nd order
//set ICGN parameters for GPU accelerated computation
ICGNConfiguration icgn_conf;
icgn_conf.subset_rx = subset_radius_x;
icgn_conf.subset_ry = subset_radius_y;
icgn_conf.convergence_criterion = max_deformation_norm;
icgn_conf.stop_condtion = max_iteration;
//get the time of end
timer_toc = omp_get_wtime();
consumed_time = timer_toc - timer_tic;
computation_time.push_back(consumed_time); //2
//display the time of initialization on the screen
cout << "Preparation of GPU module takes " << consumed_time << " sec." << std::endl;
//get the time of start
timer_tic = omp_get_wtime();
//run GPU accelerated ICGN
if (shape_order == 1)
if (!ICGN2D1GPU(gpu_ref_img, gpu_tar_img, gpu_POI_queue, icgn_conf))
cerr << "ICGNbyGPU return false!" << endl;
return -1;
if (shape_order == 2)
if (!ICGN2D2GPU(gpu_ref_img, gpu_tar_img, gpu_POI_queue, icgn_conf))
cerr << "ICGNbyGPU return false!" << endl;
return -1;
//get the time of end
timer_toc = omp_get_wtime();
consumed_time = timer_toc - timer_tic;
computation_time.push_back(consumed_time); //3
//display the time of initialization on the screen
cout << "ICGN2 on GPU takes " << consumed_time << " sec." << std::endl;
//transfer the results to the queue of POIs
for (int i = 0; i < poi_queue.size(); i++)
poi_queue[i].deformation.u = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.u;
poi_queue[i].deformation.ux = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.ux;
poi_queue[i].deformation.uy = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.uy;
poi_queue[i].deformation.uxx = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.uxx;
poi_queue[i].deformation.uxy = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.uxy;
poi_queue[i].deformation.uyy = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.uyy;
poi_queue[i].deformation.v = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.v;
poi_queue[i].deformation.vx = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.vx;
poi_queue[i].deformation.vy = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.vy;
poi_queue[i].deformation.vxx = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.vxx;
poi_queue[i].deformation.vxy = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.vxy;
poi_queue[i].deformation.vyy = gpu_POI_queue[i].final.vyy;
poi_queue[i].result.zncc = gpu_POI_queue[i].ZNCC;
poi_queue[i].result.iteration = gpu_POI_queue[i].iteration;
poi_queue[i].result.convergence = gpu_POI_queue[i].dpNorm;
//save the calculated dispalcements
file_path = tar_image_path.substr(0, tar_image_path.find_last_of(".")) + "_sift_icgn2(gpu)_r16.csv";
//save the computation time
file_path = tar_image_path.substr(0, tar_image_path.find_last_of(".")) + "_sift_icgn2(gpu)_r16_time.csv";
if (csv_out.is_open())
csv_out << "POI number" << delimiter << "Initialization" << delimiter << "Initiial guess estimation" << delimiter << "Preparation of GPU module" << delimiter << "ICGN on GPU" << endl;
csv_out << poi_queue.size() << delimiter << computation_time[0] << delimiter << computation_time[1] << delimiter << computation_time[2] << delimiter << computation_time[3] << endl;
//destroy the instances
delete[] gpu_ref_img.data;
delete[] gpu_tar_img.data;
delete feature_affine;
delete sift;
cout << "Press any key to exit" << std::endl;
return 0;