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3 months ago
#pragma once
#ifndef _STRAIN_H_
#define _STRAIN_H_
#include "oc_array.h"
#include "oc_nearest_neighbor.h"
#include "oc_poi.h"
#include "oc_point.h"
namespace opencorr
struct PointIndex //structure for brute force search
int poi_idx; //index the poi queue
float distance; //Euclidean distance to the processed POI
//calculation of Green-Lagrangian strain
class Strain
std::vector<NearestNeighbor*> instance_pool;
NearestNeighbor* getInstance(int tid);
float subregion_radius; //radius of subregion
int min_neighbor_num; //minimum number of neighbor POI required by fitting
float zncc_threshold; //POI with ZNCC above this threshold is regarded available
int description; //description of strain, 1 for Lagranian and 2 for Eulerian
int approximation; //approximation of strain, 1 for Cauchy strain and 2 for Green strain
int thread_number; //CPU thread number
Strain(float subregion_radius, int min_neighbor_num, int thread_number);
float getSubregionRadius() const;
int getMinNeighborNumber() const;
float getZnccThreshold() const;
void setSubregionRadius(float subregion_radius);
void setMinNeighborNumer(int min_neighbor_num);
void setZnccThreshold(float zncc_threshold);
void setDescription(int description); //"1" for Lagrangian, "2" for Eulerian
void setApproximation(int approximation); //"1" for Cauchy strain, "2" for Green strain
void prepare(std::vector<POI2D>& poi_queue);
void prepare(std::vector<POI2DS>& poi_queue);
void prepare(std::vector<POI3D>& poi_queue);
void compute(POI2D* poi, std::vector<POI2D>& poi_queue);
void compute(POI2DS* poi, std::vector<POI2DS>& poi_queue);
void compute(POI3D* poi, std::vector<POI3D>& poi_queue);
void compute(std::vector<POI2D>& poi_queue);
void compute(std::vector<POI2DS>& poi_queue);
void compute(std::vector<POI3D>& poi_queue);
bool sortByDistance(const PointIndex& p1, const PointIndex& p2);
}//namespace opencorr
#endif //_STRAIN_H_